What is farming?

According to the Dictionary definition, “Farming is the act or process of working the ground, planting seeds, and growing edible plants. You can also describe raising animals for milk or meat as farming… Farming is a great way to describe the lifestyle and work of people whose jobs are in the agriculture industry.” The noun “farm,” which derives from the Medieval Latin Firma, originally meant, “A lease on farm land.”
What is the role of irrigation in farming?

Irrigation is the process of getting the right amount of water to plants at the right time. Irrigation is arguably the largest breakthrough in farming history as it laid the base for economies and societies across the world. Among the main benefits of irrigation are crop production, landscape maintenance, frost protection, weed suppression, and disposal of sewage. Simply put, farming could not occur without irrigation.
What is soil health?

Sometimes referred to as soil quality, soil health is the continued ability of soil to act as an ecosystem for plants, animals, and humans. The term “soil health” is used to remind farmers that the soil contains living organisms that help us produce food.
How many farms are there in the world?

There are more than 570 million farms worldwide, with over 90% of them being run by an individual or a family. Family farms produce around 80% of the world’s food & others are produced by company owned farms.